23 November 2011
22 November 2011
just writing myself some notes whilst im away from my own laptop.. currently taking part in a printmaking module thing for four weeks.. focusing on found objects this term as thats what i did in Resin workshop on the last four week rotation
Mainly looking at fabric printing and turning the fabric into actual things.. for example
paper clips - pencil cases
pegs - tea towels or peg holders
cups & spoons - cushions and tea towels
bottle tops
ring pulls
Mainly looking at fabric printing and turning the fabric into actual things.. for example
paper clips - pencil cases
pegs - tea towels or peg holders
cups & spoons - cushions and tea towels
bottle tops
ring pulls
17 October 2011
Oilcloth part 2
okay unfortunately this is nothing to do with my university studies but this weekend i got completely creative with the whole oilcloth thing.. im really happy with the results and hope i can give these and christmas presents and sell some more on my website! :D xx
14 October 2011
Getting messy with Mould Making
Mould making classes started yesterday and i love it!! Never done this before but it was definitely fun and i cant wait to see the result next week. we made a two part mould then cast with clear resin :)
got quite attached to this stuff recently.. well any fabric for that matter. And i just found the biggest fabric section - in a store called John Lewis - that i have ever seen!! Bought some Oilcloth today to cover a table i am allocated to for the year at Uni, and made this with some other oilcloth i had laying about!!
13 October 2011
Nottingham Trent University
Ive been here three weeks now and i love it!! the workshops only started yesterday but its already making me very exited, will have pictures and snippets of my projects soon :D
My beautiful workspace :D |
Nottingham, UK
5 October 2011
Art on the Prom 2011
Very late post. my first ever post on here was Art on the prom 2010 I think so this is this years stall. It went really well, last year i just presented paintings and drawings and made just over £100, this year i incorporated my Jewellery company, Louise Marie Crafts (Click for online Folksy Shop!). I made over £200 and I had looooaaads of stock left. Also sold loads. I was really pleased and i will be doing it next year for sure!! you might recognise the beach hut painting in the background, from my last blog post, which was for sale too :D
Me at my stall!! Slightly windswept :P |
A few framed pictures |
hair slides |
rings/earrings/bracelets/wine glass charms |
Handpainted wine glasses.. very popular!! |
My little sister Georgina (11) helped me on the day. |
30 August 2011
4 May 2011
New York City
so ive just recently come back to a very inspirational trip to New York City.... fun times!! already saving for my second trip :D
1 April 2011
Contextual Studies Assessment Task 3; MAJOR ESSAY
Just been reminded i should post this by today.. well two months ago. eeeeeeeeeee!!
Louise Richardson - Foundation
Contextual Studies Assessment Task 3; MAJOR ESSAY
Tutor: Malcolm Moseley
Words: 976
I have chosen two artists whose work addresses identity. In this essay, I will discuss a single work by each artist and explain the ideas each artist is trying to represent, and how they are expressed.
I have chosen Tracy Emin as my first artist and Henri Matisse and my second. My chosen Tracey Emin piece is ‘My Bed’ – 1998, a famous installation piece of which she is famous for exhibiting for the 1999 Turner Prize shortlist as one of the favourites and then not winning. My chosen Henri Matisse piece is ‘The Red Studio’ –1911, a painting.
Tracey Emin is famously an autobiographic artist. Her works are about herself, about her own identity and how she portrays herself to the people around her, the people who view her work. She represents herself as a piece to be exhibited in a gallery. This suggests she is saying I am my work; this is my life, accept me for who I am. She exposes things about her identity that normal people, or even artists, would not share with too many other people. My Bed is an installation piece presenting literally, her bed, and its surrounding items after she had not got up from it for a few days following a suicidal depressive state of mind. The installation features her unmade bed, pillows, stained sheets, stained underwear, used condoms and empty alcohol bottles. It openly exhibits over-indulgence and self pity. It shows messiness, and an unhealthy, unorganised state of mind. She has used white sheets and pillows only to enhance the stains that she has left there. There is no colour in her work, apart from the bright blue rug on the floor, just next to the bed. Emin may be trying to represent something through this colour, through the contrasting white and then bright blue. Blue is often associated with tranquillity and calmness, referring to the sea and air. This could be a deliberate placement by the artist to say, actually this blue means nothing emotionally and here is my messy lifestyle to prove it. As an artist, Emin does have a habit in breaking the rules in quite an offensive manner, so this is a likely reason for this colour choice.
I personally think Tracey Emin is lazy with her work. Her ideas are sprung up from everyday scenarios that most people go through at some point in their life, instead of something conceptual and designed. She is no different from the rest of us and people pay so much money to see things they are feeling themselves inside. However, I still think some concepts of her work are interesting. She is unashamed to show her disturbing side, which makes us as an audience question our own identity. Why do we hide these things away? Is it because we want to be portrayed as someone else, as the perfect person? It is also interesting to see how other people live at times, it lets us be nosy, and as there is no person present in her work, it makes us feel like we are not allowed to be there, as you wouldn’t often see someone’s living space like this with them knowing about it.
Henri Matisse’s painting, The Red Studio, invites us into his working life as an artist. A Studio is one of the most important places for any practising artist, so this alone is quite a personal invitation inside. The first thing that hits you about this room is the colour Red. Matisse says himself “Where I got the colour red – to be sure, I just don’t know. I find things only become what they are to me when I see them with the colour red”. This is interesting because to most other people the red could represent something as a colour, a vehicle for emotion, for anger or perhaps love. These are two emotions he could be portraying, unconsciously, in his studio, as he may feel both of these in certain times of his working life.
Matisse’s technique in the painting is quite clever in that, the items that are just outlines in yellow like the chair and chest of drawers are actually not line drawings in yellow but red paints that have been scratched through to show yellow. This is a technique that is commonly achieved using oil paints, a very traditional medium in the early 20th century. He has made certain items in his studio more prominent by actually colouring in detail for example in his paintings on the wall, and the decorative items all around the room. Perhaps this is because it shows which items he valued more, which items gave him more inspiration. There also features a grandfather clock in the centre back of the room which bears no hands. I would say that this represents a frozen time frame, or maybe even that the time flies when he is in his studio and therefore he does not value time. Many of items in this room could be found objects so the grandfather clock could actually be handless in real life.
The room is full of saturated colour, and also slightly out of perspective. If we can accept the fact that the room is not shown realistically, we must also assume that it is an illusion. He is trying to portray something as it may not actually be in real life, and therefore hiding his identity or is even unsure of his own identity.
To conclude, I feel both artist have represented a sense of their identity and have shared something you would be interested to see about a person or practising artist. Indentity involves a heavy load of emotions and both artists have shown strong emotions through colour. Tracy emin kept it blank so the impurities are expressed more intensely and Henri Matisse bombards you will full colour.
Words: 976
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Tracey Emins 'My Bed' 1998 |
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Henri Matisse's 'The Red Studio' 1911 |
7 March 2011
Recent 3D Work
Lampshades, one made from scrap renments but in 'natural' colours.. leafy fabric etc to fit natural forms theme. Also, plastic wrapping lampshade to go alongside my lamp i made from the bike wheel :) |
just a bunch of earrings i made |
made these in ceramics, dipped in two glases. pattern is pressed lace |
4 March 2011
Last heroes post..
okay i know i keep posting this photo but i promise this is the last one!!
it glows in the dark :)
it glows in the dark :)
Drawing Pattern
Pattern and surface design will hopefully be a big part of my degree and at least my final major project for my foundation. This is a drawing that i am featuring in my portfolio. i would like to develop it but i always struggle to develop 2d things like drawings.. i much prefer to play with three dimensions. i like the abscense of objects. just felt i should post it because i dont post any of my drawings from my drawing tutorials :)
William Morris Inspired
Made these last week to give to my friend tomorrow for her birthday.. actually hoping she doesnt check her blog feed tonight otherwise it will ruin the suprise for tomorrow :P But they are William Morris inspired.. i know she'll love them because she likes this type of surface design.. and shes always amazed by my shrinky earrings!! The only problem is whenever i make these for people i always want to keep them for myself. sad times!!
1 March 2011
Negotiated project - Alternative Design
my project for Alternative Design.. which is much like Product Design, was to make something using recycled objects. i found a bike wheel, just the metal bit with the cool spokes and no rubber tyre. i took it home, and washed it, and have had thoughts running through my head ever since. but this was my favourite. also, i have always wanted to chance to work with metal and wire etc. Making the skeleton of this lamp has already inspired me to make wire sculptures as part of my Final Major Project, but thats another post :)
The idea is, to weave my homemade material through the skeleton of the lamp. i have attatched chicken wire and other peices of metal so that when i weave it through it should have an interested pattern and effect. i will litrally weave the 5cm thin peices round the whole thing starting from the bottom so im not making any special effects with the weaving.
Also, im putting fairy lights into some little holes in the wheel where i took out some spokes.
im excited!! here is my progress so far..
The idea is, to weave my homemade material through the skeleton of the lamp. i have attatched chicken wire and other peices of metal so that when i weave it through it should have an interested pattern and effect. i will litrally weave the 5cm thin peices round the whole thing starting from the bottom so im not making any special effects with the weaving.
Also, im putting fairy lights into some little holes in the wheel where i took out some spokes.
im excited!! here is my progress so far..
10 February 2011
threeeeee dimensions
New ceramics project, even though the workshop is over soon and then we can start FMP. jewellery but clay charms for earrings, necklaces etc. ive got some cool ideas.. inspired by a clay stamp resist i made a few months back and scratched out designs from the slip. we experimented with lace and other fabrics today with the slip and it made some cool patterns that i want to work with more in the future :) i like that theyre floral, they link in with my natural forms/organic theme and also recycling because we're using old fabrics again and again rather than buying more :)
Alternative Design
im using my found item, a bike wheel, for the base of my lamp. its coming together quite nicely. here is me trying to unscrew the spokes so i can fit little fairy lights round in the holes :)
1 February 2011
31 January 2011
New Projects
My friend cassie got me a Keep Calm and Carry On poster for christmas :) i love it and its already inspired me to do other projects - it falls down because its so heavy so everytime it falls i draw it with all its folds and shiny parts and obscure typography, then stick it back up and wait a few days for it to fall again - and its inspired me to do these new earrings. The first pair are very obvious what they as are ive kept the design exactly the same (the oval ones) but the circular pair are an abstract version.. which has a back circle panal of a close up of a part of the typography and a crown on a smaller circle at the front. i liked doing the double design one so i think ill work on these more!!
keep calm and carry on |
keep calm and carry on |
keep calm and carry on - a more abstract version. |
construction and colouring. keeping it straight. |
Older projects
I recently made these earrings for my friend Jade. I had a more intricate and detailed design of a full dragonfly, coloured with pinks and purples and blues but it wouldn't flatten properly when it was shrinking so the tail fell off. This design was easier to shrink and is still kinda cute :) if i ever remake these i'll call these Jades Dragonflies :) My mums friend already wants a replica pair :)
The birds below are the first pair of earrings i made but unfortunately i put them in my bag and one snapped! ill have to re-do them.. i loved these earrings, apart from on windy days where they hit me in the face :(
Jades Dragonflies |
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Bird Tattoos.. im too scared to get the actual tattoo so earrings will do for now :) |
I am always taking requests and although ive given these to people for free in the past ill make a pair for about £3 to cover materials :)
30 January 2011
Alternative Design
Recycled projects.. a starting point for a product design idea. i Found this bike wheel dumped in an alleyway. i cleaned it up and added some fairy lights :) it looks interesting and different. This is just a starting point for my project i hope to have something of the same simplicity but with more recycled materials and that looks a bit cooler! :)