31 January 2011


 New Projects

My friend cassie got me a Keep Calm and Carry On poster for christmas :) i love it and its already inspired me to do other projects - it falls down because its so heavy so everytime it falls i draw it with all its folds and shiny parts and obscure typography, then stick it back up and wait a few days for it to fall again - and its inspired me to do these new earrings. The first pair are very obvious what they as are ive kept the design exactly the same (the oval ones) but the circular pair are an abstract version.. which has a back circle panal of a close up of a part of the typography and a crown on a smaller circle at the front. i liked doing the double design one so i think ill work on these more!!

keep calm and carry on

keep calm and carry on

keep calm and carry on - a more abstract version.

construction and colouring. keeping it straight.

Older projects

I recently made these earrings for my friend Jade. I had a more intricate and detailed design of a full dragonfly, coloured with pinks and purples and blues but it wouldn't flatten properly when it was shrinking so the tail fell off. This design was easier to shrink and is still kinda cute :) if i ever remake these i'll call these Jades Dragonflies :) My mums friend already wants a replica pair :)

The birds below are the first pair of earrings i made but unfortunately i put them in my bag and one snapped! ill have to re-do them.. i loved these earrings, apart from on windy days where they hit me in the face :(

Jades Dragonflies

Bird Tattoos.. im too scared to get the actual tattoo so earrings will do for now :)

I am always taking requests and although ive given these to people for free in the past ill make a pair for about £3 to cover materials :)

30 January 2011

Alternative Design

Recycled projects.. a starting point for a product design idea. i Found this bike wheel dumped in an alleyway. i cleaned it up and added some fairy lights :) it looks interesting and different. This is just a starting point for my project i hope to have something of the same simplicity but with more recycled materials and that looks a bit cooler! :)

22 January 2011

Heroes copy painting. this is not a college project! just something i do in my spare time :)


Trimley to Felixstowe train tracks, Orwell High School crossing. Junk left, probably by the people who live nearby.

New Projects
..i havnt posted in a while so i thought i should probably update people with what my current projects are all about.
i was recently recommended to take alternative design, as its like product design (which i enjoyed at a level and my uni course includes some anyway).. turns out it is product design plain and simple :P well my project is about recycling and although these pictures dont show it, its going to be about recycling food and drink packets just because thats what i managed to find the most of..
I have lots of ideas in my head about this project and i often find myself scribbling them down on the back of reciepts and allsorts. i will update with pictures that fit my theme a bit more, soon! :)

Tyres abandoned on a farm in Trimley St Mary
Georgina Emily

liked this picture. taken off guard! my little sister.. i looked exactly like this eight years ago

where i live

Felixstowe docks :)

9 January 2011

Messege in a bottle

Messege in a bottle.. out to sea, sorry environment!
I will be so upset if i get a reply from Felixstowe!!

8 January 2011


George W Bush stencil
general recent things..

banner project hits the atrium at suffolk new college

our banners are up in the atrium!! i must say they look awesome and the ideas some people have come up with were really clever. you can see our bank note in the blue :)

4 January 2011

copy an entire page of a magazine

dont mind if a do.
Cheryl cole, except i cannot draw faces so i always leave them out <3
she sort of has a face

i need an A3 scanner!! who loves me?

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