okay unfortunately this is nothing to do with my university studies but this weekend i got completely creative with the whole oilcloth thing.. im really happy with the results and hope i can give these and christmas presents and sell some more on my website! :D xx

17 October 2011
14 October 2011
Getting messy with Mould Making
Mould making classes started yesterday and i love it!! Never done this before but it was definitely fun and i cant wait to see the result next week. we made a two part mould then cast with clear resin :)
got quite attached to this stuff recently.. well any fabric for that matter. And i just found the biggest fabric section - in a store called John Lewis - that i have ever seen!! Bought some Oilcloth today to cover a table i am allocated to for the year at Uni, and made this with some other oilcloth i had laying about!!
13 October 2011
Nottingham Trent University
Ive been here three weeks now and i love it!! the workshops only started yesterday but its already making me very exited, will have pictures and snippets of my projects soon :D
My beautiful workspace :D |
Nottingham, UK
5 October 2011
Art on the Prom 2011
Very late post. my first ever post on here was Art on the prom 2010 I think so this is this years stall. It went really well, last year i just presented paintings and drawings and made just over £100, this year i incorporated my Jewellery company, Louise Marie Crafts (Click for online Folksy Shop!). I made over £200 and I had looooaaads of stock left. Also sold loads. I was really pleased and i will be doing it next year for sure!! you might recognise the beach hut painting in the background, from my last blog post, which was for sale too :D
Me at my stall!! Slightly windswept :P |
A few framed pictures |
hair slides |
rings/earrings/bracelets/wine glass charms |
Handpainted wine glasses.. very popular!! |
My little sister Georgina (11) helped me on the day. |