10 May 2012

Final Fantasy VII Painting COMPLETE!!

Okay so this has nothing to do with my degree... or my Folksy crafts... and i have my degree end of year assessment next week which i have a heap of work for... But this is my recent project and it is FINISHED!!

My boyfriend commissioned me to paint him a Final Fantasy VII painting and this is it..!! 

'Zack Overlooking Midgar'

The Feathers and the sword detail also glow in the dark! Its kind of like my new thing... this is the second large painting glow paint has featured :)

I also videod the entire thing and sped it up by 64x and made this video of the entire production!

PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f682tUFgMh4

This just shows you how big the painting really is.. well i think this is pretty big!!

I hope to paint some more commissioned peices throughout this summer - Prices begin at £50 and go upto £200 depending on size and content - Please email me on xLouuu@hotmail.co.uk for more information :)

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