26 March 2014

MA Open Event!

Last week i got talking to my friend about a Masters. Something ive always assumed i will never do, because hey.. arnt those like £12,000? WELL This week i found out that actually.. not only do my university do something that i really want to do.. but its 'only' £5000! AND we can apply for a bursary type thing that gets us £1000 off, being a previous NTU student!! So £4000 for a masters. Considering BA is now £10,000 a year, that seems like a bargain to me. Its only a little bit more expensive than doing third year over again, which i thought i would have to do at some point as i totally thought i would fail it!

I went to an open event today at university, where i spoke to current staff and students, including Claire Bradshaw, who graduated from Dec Arts with printed textiles specialism, just like me. Our state of mind pre-BA-graduation seems identical. This course is for me!!

The only downside.. and i mean the ONLY one.. would be the money. you dont get a student loan for a masters, and i dont think i should be getting in more debt with my bank. Ill need £4000 upfront in September, as well as money for rent and living. Ive worked out ill basically need £10'000 for the entire year, though most of this can be earned as i go along! 

Unless i win the lottery, this seems another impossible dream. But im going to apply anyway.. You never know what might happen over summer. I might sell loads of work.. i might get taken to New Designers, and sell loads of work.. you never know :)

This time next year i could be most of the way through my MA Textiles Design Innovation!!

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